using the excessive belgian chocs i got from brussels the other day, i made a special belgian chocs bread pudding out of it....
serve with mango custard sauce
1) 7-8 sandwich bread
2) 2 tbs butter
3) *500ml fresh milk/or evaporated milk
4) *4 tbs sugar
5) *2 eggs
6) * 1 tsp vanilla extract
7) raisins or in my case, belgian chocs :)
1) spread butter onto each slice of bread
2) cut bread into quartlets
3) layer them into casserole and sprinkle choc chunks. i made 2 bread layers
4) mix all starred ingredients and pour into casserole
5) bake until cook. all liquid absorbed into bread and crusty
1) 1 canned evaporated milk.(400ml)
2) 100ml water
3) 2 tbs custard powder
4) 2 tbs sugar
5) few drops of mango flavour
-all mix together in a pot. mix well until it forms a thick custard sauce :)
** same methods used for STEAMED bread pudding. just avoid the oven. hehehe
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