Masa first trimester tu, usia kandungan dalam 5-6 minggu, time tu mcm xpercaya ada makhluk bernyawa dlm perut kikiki... sampai 5 kali buat upt(urine pregnancy test). Time tu ingat lagi, sekali buat tersalah almaklumlah takde pengalaman. Pastu excited sgt terus buat xtgk instruction. Xde hasil. Pastu buat kali kedua. Positif. Tak percaya jgak. Menggigil tau tangan. Time tu dah bgtau faris tp still in denial state... Esoknya beli lagi upt strip dkt kedai. N guna upt digital, mmg positif... Esoknya beli lagi satu untuk betul2 confirmkan... Kemain tak percaya kite kan... Alhamdulillah sangat2. Kitorg sangat bersyukur. Walaupun kitorg xmewah, belum berduit, habis belajo pun belum lagi, dah la duit banyak habis sebab kes passport kena curi dkt brussels tempoh hari, tp Allah bagi juga rezeki lain dalam bentuk nyawa... And Allah bagi tepat pada masanya sbb Dia bagi peluang untuk dalila sempat main netball n handball my fav sports masa intervarsity games bulan april, before pregnant. Alhamdulillah.
Masa tu pengalaman dia hmmmmm.... Sakit tapi tak serik sbb xsemua org dpt rasa... Hihi... Mula2 tu mmg selera makan naik habis... Tiap 2-3 jam nak mengunyah. Bukan mengunyah, tp melahap.. Kena makan mknn berat2 sebab asyik lapar je. Hahaha... Tapi a week after that, and continue till the next few weeks (sampai final state exam kitorg), dalila dah dpt alahan teruk... Contoh alahannya ialah
1)tak boleh makan masakan sendiri
2)tak boleh makan masakan faris
3)tak boleh bau masakan esp minyak yg sdg dimasak
4)tak boleh bau faris
5)tak boleh duduk dekat dgn faris
6)tak boleh lama2 dlm keadaan vertical. Means kena baring selalu... And practically means, i slept a LOT! *wink*
7)tak boleh kawal emosi!!! ("Abg xfaham saya. Semua orang xappreciate saya!" Ntah apa2 nangis dlm keadaan sujud dan masih bertelekung. Yeaaaa and then gelak sorang2 sbb it was damn funnyyyyyy kahkahkahhh)
So selama beberapa minggu tu cuma buah-buahan, susu, kismis, cereal, dan makanan2 org berdiet je yang boleh diterima tekak... Pendek kata makanan yg dimasak, xboleh masuk sbb xcukup duit touchngo nk bayar tol. Gitu... Hahaha sorry lawak hahahahahahaambar :p
1)tak boleh makan masakan sendiri
2)tak boleh makan masakan faris
3)tak boleh bau masakan esp minyak yg sdg dimasak
4)tak boleh bau faris
5)tak boleh duduk dekat dgn faris
6)tak boleh lama2 dlm keadaan vertical. Means kena baring selalu... And practically means, i slept a LOT! *wink*
7)tak boleh kawal emosi!!! ("Abg xfaham saya. Semua orang xappreciate saya!" Ntah apa2 nangis dlm keadaan sujud dan masih bertelekung. Yeaaaa and then gelak sorang2 sbb it was damn funnyyyyyy kahkahkahhh)
So selama beberapa minggu tu cuma buah-buahan, susu, kismis, cereal, dan makanan2 org berdiet je yang boleh diterima tekak... Pendek kata makanan yg dimasak, xboleh masuk sbb xcukup duit touchngo nk bayar tol. Gitu... Hahaha sorry lawak hahahahahahaambar :p
8 weeks.
9 weeks
Time tu perit, sbb time tu exam leave. Exam paling beso sekali plak tu kalau failed xleh la jadi doktor.. Tp alhamdulillah, bayi doakan ibu dia kot, walaupun kerja ibu dia tido je, study group abaikan, study sendiri lagi terabai, amik gambr bubuh dkt instagram je lebat, tp study nye renyai je... Hahaha.. Tp syukur, passed with flying colours, alhamdulillah...
Oh ya lupa nak bagitau, first n second time buat check up tu dgn cikgu gynae. Untung jugak belajar medic dgn doctors. Boleh terus dpt treatment n consultations free. Tp tumpang cikgu kawan je yg dr uni lain.. Nasib baik still zero payment... Private clinic plak tu,,. Untung kau, nak. Hehe..
Masa check up, baby baru 6 weeks. Time tu xnampak apa. Cuma nampak little heartbeats je. Bentuk jantung pun xnampak. Cuma macam sebiji seed yg berkelip2 sbb jantung berdegup. Kantung(uterus) pun xde bentuk. Dia mcm leper.. Leper tu maksudnya, ibunya tgh stress. Dalila stress sbb cuak first time buat transvaginal ultrasound(TVUS). Kalau stress uterus akan mengecut. Itu sebab ibu ibu mengandung dinasihatkan supaya jangan stress. Kalau stress, uterus tu affected n risk untuk ibu keguguran akan tinggi.
Oh ya lupa nak bagitau, first n second time buat check up tu dgn cikgu gynae. Untung jugak belajar medic dgn doctors. Boleh terus dpt treatment n consultations free. Tp tumpang cikgu kawan je yg dr uni lain.. Nasib baik still zero payment... Private clinic plak tu,,. Untung kau, nak. Hehe..
Masa check up, baby baru 6 weeks. Time tu xnampak apa. Cuma nampak little heartbeats je. Bentuk jantung pun xnampak. Cuma macam sebiji seed yg berkelip2 sbb jantung berdegup. Kantung(uterus) pun xde bentuk. Dia mcm leper.. Leper tu maksudnya, ibunya tgh stress. Dalila stress sbb cuak first time buat transvaginal ultrasound(TVUS). Kalau stress uterus akan mengecut. Itu sebab ibu ibu mengandung dinasihatkan supaya jangan stress. Kalau stress, uterus tu affected n risk untuk ibu keguguran akan tinggi.
Ive had a really bad bleeding thrice. Of course its dangerous and it worried me. Early bleeding is a sign that u are pregnant. And its called implantation bleeding. Its when the fused eggs from mother and father started to embed into mother's uterus. Its a good bleeding. Second was when i stubbornly did the house chores excessively. I just cant handle boredom. And the third one when i stressed out too much and i walked really fast... See how bad and how fragile it was. The remedy for your first trimester are apparently CRIB! Complete Rest In Bed! And avoid pineapple, coke, caffeinated drinks, soda drinks( thats all i can remember) Take note dear moms-to-be :)
8weeks. See the kantung x leper dah. Ibu nya dah xcuak buat scan :)
12 weeks. Malas la nk rotate. Sorry. Lgpun xnampak sangat baby penyek. Hihi
Ive had a really bad bleeding thrice. Of course its dangerous and it worried me. Early bleeding is a sign that u are pregnant. And its called implantation bleeding. Its when the fused eggs from mother and father started to embed into mother's uterus. Its a good bleeding. Second was when i stubbornly did the house chores excessively. I just cant handle boredom. And the third one when i stressed out too much and i walked really fast... See how bad and how fragile it was. The remedy for your first trimester are apparently CRIB! Complete Rest In Bed! And avoid pineapple, coke, caffeinated drinks, soda drinks( thats all i can remember) Take note dear moms-to-be :)
16 weeks. Still no tummy ang hyperactive as ever. 😝
Ok continue. Masa tu kitorg xbgtau sesape pun lagi pasal kehadiran makhluk istimewa ni sbb takut jinx kan. Org kata the first few weeks tu risk utk miscarriage tu tinggi. So we waited n kept it low not telling many, but i was too excited i wanted to tell. Therefore the hints 'jellybean' that i posted everywhere. in case there are some who were curious :) that was it.
N then when the jellybean was at 10 weeks gestational age, we flew back to malaysia for good. Alhamdulillah i already can eat well. No more allergies (refer to the seven points of allergy above) all is well! Tipu! The #6 n #7 are still going on crazieyh
Ok continue. Masa tu kitorg xbgtau sesape pun lagi pasal kehadiran makhluk istimewa ni sbb takut jinx kan. Org kata the first few weeks tu risk utk miscarriage tu tinggi. So we waited n kept it low not telling many, but i was too excited i wanted to tell. Therefore the hints 'jellybean' that i posted everywhere. in case there are some who were curious :) that was it.
N then when the jellybean was at 10 weeks gestational age, we flew back to malaysia for good. Alhamdulillah i already can eat well. No more allergies (refer to the seven points of allergy above) all is well! Tipu! The #6 n #7 are still going on crazieyh
17 weeks
Despite the allergies i had, the bleeding i went thru, the crazy emotions i showed, now alhamdulillah its going to be 20weeks soon. Exceeding more than a half pregnancy successfully. But my hereditary anaemia somehow worries me. I took meds n phyto haem from natural food but my Hb keep going down. Im going to the next check up soon i hope everything will be okay... And yes my baby bump revealed only recently. Yes at the age of 4.5months... And just because i did a hurdle to search for normal readings, i hope this helps for you mothers-to-be. these are my measures at the moment. Circumference 35inches. Weight 57kg.
Despite the allergies i had, the bleeding i went thru, the crazy emotions i showed, now alhamdulillah its going to be 20weeks soon. Exceeding more than a half pregnancy successfully. But my hereditary anaemia somehow worries me. I took meds n phyto haem from natural food but my Hb keep going down. Im going to the next check up soon i hope everything will be okay... And yes my baby bump revealed only recently. Yes at the age of 4.5months... And just because i did a hurdle to search for normal readings, i hope this helps for you mothers-to-be. these are my measures at the moment. Circumference 35inches. Weight 57kg.
Now im eager to know the gender! See you after next check up! Toodles :)
Now im eager to know the gender! See you after next check up! Toodles :)
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